Alice pruning her favourite roses.

Alice Owen in her walled garden in front of her greenhouse.

Alice Owen in her walled garden in front of her greenhouse. 

Box Blight, which Alice showed me, has been visibly progressing through her boxwood plants.

Box Blight, which Alice showed me, has been visibly progressing through her boxwood plants.

Alice Owen showed me her Box Cones, suffering from Box Blight. They line her front footpath outside her house in rural Suffolk. She is now having to contend with replacing them with an alternative.

Alice Owen showed me her Box Cones, suffering from Box Blight. They line her front footpath outside her house in rural Suffolk. She is now having to contend with replacing them with an alternative.

Alice working on the replacement for her Box which recently contracted Box Blight.

Alice working on the replacement for her Box, which recently contracted Box Blight.

Looking into the walled garden towards the greenhouse at the side of Alice’s house.

Looking into the walled garden towards the greenhouse at the side of Alice’s house. 

Alice Owen standing in her front garden showing me her passion for plants.

Alice Owen standing in her front garden showing me her passion for plants. 

The view from Alice’s rear garden, and her pet geese walk along the river bank. You can see the lake and cows in the distance in the rural Suffolk setting.

The view from Alice’s rear garden, and her pet geese walk along the river bank. You can see the lake & cows in the distance in the rural Suffolk setting. 

One of the many hidden corners and views in Alice’s garden.

One of the many hidden corners & views in Alice’s garden. 

One of the many hidden corners and views in Alice’s garden looking towards her grade two listed Dovecot.

One of the many hidden corners & views in Alice’s garden looking towards her grade two listed Dovecot.

Alice finds something has been eating her Fig tree leaves.

Alice finds something as been eating her Fig tree leaves. 

Alice Owen, looking across her pond, enjoying her hard work and not looking forward to having to replace her box, which has contracted Box Blight. 

Photo by Jonathan J Fussell, COPYRIGHT 2023

Alice Owen, looking across her pond, enjoying her hard work and not looking forward to having to replace her box, which has contracted Box Blight. 

One of several pets which enjoy sharing Alice’s garden. The greenhouse is a warm haven for her pet tortoise.

One of several pets which enjoy sharing Alice’s garden. The greenhouse is a warm haven for her pet tortoise. 

Alice’s black cat enjoying the sun in the greenhouse.

Alice’s black cat enjoying the sun in the greenhouse. 

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